HOOC Connect E

Über das HOOC-Embedded-Gateway

Das HOOC Connect E (HOOC-Embedded-Gateway) richtet sich vor allem an Entwickler und Integratoren, welche die HOOC Lösung in ihre eigene Hardware implementieren möchten. Dadurch kann die HOOC-Lösung einfach und ohne zusätzliche Hardware verwendet werden. Aktuell werden die Plattformen Raspberry PI, Linux und MAC unterstützt.

HOOC-Embedded-Gateway Version 0.X.X


Die Kommandozeilenparameter können durch das Flag --help aufgelistet werden.

  app_embeddedgateway [flags]
  app_embeddedgateway [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  hwid        generates the hardware identifier for registration

      --api.address string           address onto which the api server should bind (default "")
      --api.enable                   should the API Server be enabled or not (default true)
      --api.port int                 port onto which the api server should bind (default 1323)
      --dhcpv4.enable                should the DHCPv4 Server be enabled or not, the server will distribute IPs from the subnet of the vpn.linux.tap interface.
      --dhcpv4.range.end ip          the last IP address of the DHCPv4 distribution range (default
      --dhcpv4.range.start ip        the first IP address of the DHCPv4 distribution range (default
  -h, --help                         help for app_embeddedgateway_deactivated
      --log.file string              path where the log should be written, if not defined the log output will be written to the stdout
      --version                      version for app_embeddedgateway_deactivated
      --vpn.linux.bridge string      name of the bridge interface to which the VPN should be added, if not defined a standalone TAP (hooc-tap0) interface is created
      --vpn.linux.mac string         mac address of the TAP. If not defined, a random is generated or if bridge is configured, the one of the bridge interface is used.
      --vpn.linux.address ip-cidr    the IP address of the vpn.linux.tap interface, use in order to set no address (default It is ignored, if vpn.linux.bridge is used.
      --vpn.linux.tap string         name of the tap interface to be created for the VPN connection (default "hooc-tap0")
      --vpn.retryinterval duration   retry interval for reconnects to the VPN (default 15s)

Use "app_embeddedgateway [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Zur Kommunikation mit einer übergeordneten Anwendung stellt das HOOC-Embedded-Gateway eine REST-API zur Verfügung. Die API-Definition (Swagger) kann hier heruntergeladen werden.