How to set up your KNX devices

By clicking on the icon, a new device can be entered.


Property Description
Protocol type Select KNX
Name Enter the name of the device
Description Enter the description of the device
Connection type Select IP Routing (KNX router) or IP tunneling (KNX gateway)
IP Address Enter the IP address of the device as it is/will be assigned in the remote network
Port Accept “Port 3671” (default) or adjust port
TLS connection The connection to the end device is encrypted (only with IP tunneling) / KNX Secure is not supported
Timeout Enter communication timeout (1000ms recommended)
Connection monitoring If this field is checked, all data points will be marked as invalid in case the connection is interrupted (Last known value)
Validity period If in the predefined interval no value update is received, the corresponding data point will be marked as invalid (Last known value)


For KNX devices, the bus load of the last minute is displayed.


The setup of the KNX device allows a number of possible actions.


Action Description
Edit end device settings
Export data points (if data points are available)
Import data points (if no data points are available)
Execute Ping on KNX device (only for KNX IP tunneling)
Show KNX group monitor
Show logs of KNX group addresses
Remove device (if no data points are recorded)

For KNX devices, data points can be imported directly from ETS5. For this purpose, check on the data types supported by HOOC. The group addresses are to be exported according to the default settings (XML file). After the export, the data points can be imported with action .

The logged KNX telegrams on the group addresses can also be directly exported as XML (see popup ). These data can be imported in the ETS5 for further purposes.

Data points

The live values of the acquired data points are automatically displayed. By clicking on the icon, you can stop the data monitor.

By clicking on the icon, a new data point will be created for the corresponding interface.


Property Description
KNX Group address Enter the KNX group address (0/0/0 to 15/15/255)
Writeable When activated, values can be written to this group address
Data point Enter the name of the data point
Description Enter the description of the data point
Data type Select the KNX data type


The setup of the data point allows a number of possible actions.


Action Description
Edit data point settings
Edit Smart UI settings
Show data point trend
Write data point (if writeable)
Duplicate data point
Remove data point

Supported KNX data types

1.001 DPT_Switch
1.002 DPT_Bool
1.003 DPT_Enable
1.004 DPT_Ramp
1.005 DPT_Alarm
1.006 DPT_BinaryValue
1.007 DPT_Step
1.008 DPT_UpDown
1.009 DPT_OpenClose
1.010 DPT_Start
1.011 DPT_State
1.012 DPT_Invert
1.013 DPT_DimSendStyle
1.014 DPT_InputSource
1.015 DPT_Reset
1.016 DPT_Ack
1.017 DPT_Trigger
1.018 DPT_Occupancy
1.019 DPT_Window_Door
1.021 DPT_LogicalFunction
1.022 DPT_Scene_AB
1.023 DPT_ShutterBlinds_Mode
1.100 DPT_Heat/Cool
4.001 DPT_Char_ASCII
4.002 DPT_Char_8859_1
5.001 DPT_Scaling
5.003 DPT_Angle
5.004 DPT_Percent_U8
5.005 DPT_DecimalFactor
5.006 DPT_Tariff
5.010 DPT_Value_1_Ucount
6.001 DPT_Percent_V8
6.010 DPT_Value_1_Count
7.001 DPT_Value_2_Ucount
7.002 DPT_TimePeriodMsec
7.003 DPT_TimePeriod10MSec
7.004 DPT_TimePeriod100MSec
7.005 DPT_TimePeriodSec
7.006 DPT_TimePeriodMin
7.007 DPT_TimePeriodHrs
7.010 DPT_PropDataType
7.011 DPT_Length_mm
7.012 DPT_UElCurrentmA
7.013 DPT_Brightness
8.001 DPT_Value_2_Count
8.002 DPT_DeltaTimeMsec
8.003 DPT_DeltaTime10MSec
8.004 DPT_DeltaTime100MSec
8.005 DPT_DeltaTimeSec
8.006 DPT_DeltaTimeMin
8.007 DPT_DeltaTimeHrs
8.010 DPT_Percent_V16
8.011 DPT_Rotation_Angle
9.001 DPT_Value_Temp
9.002 DPT_Value_Tempd
9.003 DPT_Value_Tempa
9.004 DPT_Value_Lux
9.005 DPT_Value_Wsp
9.006 DPT_Value_Pres
9.007 DPT_Value_Humidity
9.008 DPT_Value_AirQuality
9.009 DPT_Value_AirFlow
9.010 DPT_Value_Time1
9.011 DPT_Value_Time2
9.020 DPT_Value_Volt
9.021 DPT_Value_Curr
9.022 DPT_PowerDensity
9.023 DPT_KelvinPerPercent
9.024 DPT_Power
9.025 DPT_Value_Volume_Flow
9.026 DPT_Rain_Amount
9.027 DPT_Value_Temp_F
9.028 DPT_Value_Wsp_kmh
10.001 DPT_TimeOfDay
11.001 DPT_Date
12.001 DPT_Value_4_Ucount
13.001 DPT_Value_4_Count
13.010 DPT_ActiveEnergy
13.011 DPT_ApparantEnergy
13.012 DPT_ReactiveEnergy
13.013 DPT_ActiveEnergy_kWh
13.014 DPT_ApparantEnergy_kVAh
13.015 DPT_ReactiveEnergy_kVARh
13.100 DPT_LongDeltaTimeSec
14.000 DPT_Value_Acceleration
14.001 DPT_Value_Acceleration_Angular
14.002 DPT_Value_Activation_Energy
14.003 DPT_Value_Activity
14.004 DPT_Value_Mol
14.005 DPT_Value_Amplitude
14.006 DPT_Value_AngleRad
14.007 DPT_Value_AngleDeg
14.008 DPT_Value_Angular_Momentum
14.009 DPT_Value_Angular_Velocity
14.010 DPT_Value_Area
14.011 DPT_Value_Capacitance
14.012 DPT_Value_Charge_DensitySurface
14.013 DPT_Value_Charge_DensityVolume
14.014 DPT_Value_Compressibility
14.015 DPT_Value_Conductance
14.016 DPT_Value_Electrical_Conductivity
14.017 DPT_Value_Density
14.018 DPT_Value_Electric_Charge
14.019 DPT_Value_Electric_Current
14.020 DPT_Value_Electric_CurrentDensity
14.021 DPT_Value_Electric_DipoleMoment
14.022 DPT_Value_Electric_Displacement
14.023 DPT_Value_Electric_FieldStrength
14.024 DPT_Value_Electric_Flux
14.025 DPT_Value_Electric_FluxDensity
14.026 DPT_Value_Electric_Polarization
14.027 DPT_Value_Electric_Potential
14.028 DPT_Value_Electric_PotentialDifference
14.029 DPT_Value_ElectromagneticMoment
14.030 DPT_Value_Electromotive_Force
14.031 DPT_Value_Energy
14.032 DPT_Value_Force
14.033 DPT_Value_Frequency
14.034 DPT_Value_Angular_Frequency
14.035 DPT_Value_Heat_Capacity
14.036 DPT_Value_Heat_FlowRate
14.037 DPT_Value_Heat_Quantity
14.038 DPT_Value_Impedance
14.039 DPT_Value_Length
14.040 DPT_Value_Light_Quantity
14.041 DPT_Value_Luminance
14.042 DPT_Value_Luminous_Flux
14.043 DPT_Value_Luminous_Intensity
14.044 DPT_Value_Magnetic_FieldStrength
14.045 DPT_Value_Magnetic_Flux
14.046 DPT_Value_Magnetic_FluxDensity
14.047 DPT_Value_Magnetic_Moment
14.048 DPT_Value_Magnetic_Polarization
14.049 DPT_Value_Magnetization
14.050 DPT_Value_MagnetomotiveForce
14.051 DPT_Value_Mass
14.052 DPT_Value_MassFlux
14.053 DPT_Value_Momentum
14.054 DPT_Value_Phase_AngleRad
14.055 DPT_Value_Phase_AngleDeg
14.056 DPT_Value_Power
14.057 DPT_Value_Power_Factor
14.058 DPT_Value_Pressure
14.059 DPT_Value_Reactance
14.060 DPT_Value_Resistance
14.061 DPT_Value_Resistivity
14.062 DPT_Value_SelfInductance
14.063 DPT_Value_SolidAngle
14.064 DPT_Value_Sound_Intensity
14.065 DPT_Value_Speed
14.066 DPT_Value_Stress
14.067 DPT_Value_Surface_Tension
14.068 DPT_Value_Common_Temperature
14.069 DPT_Value_Absolute_Temperature
14.070 DPT_Value_TemperatureDifference
14.071 DPT_Value_Thermal_Capacity
14.072 DPT_Value_Thermal_Conductivity
14.073 DPT_Value_ThermoelectricPower
14.074 DPT_Value_Time
14.075 DPT_Value_Torque
14.076 DPT_Value_Volume
14.077 DPT_Value_Volume_Flux
14.078 DPT_Value_Weight
14.079 DPT_Value_Work
19.001 DPT_DateTime