Getting Started Wago PFC200

The HOOC Embedded Gateway is also available as binary for the PFC100.

The following instructions describe how to install the HOOC Embedded Gateway (Docker Version) on a PFC200. For the HOOC Embedded Gateway to function as a HOOC Connect H, the following configuration of the PFC200 has to be made (Firmware 03.01.07(13)):

Wago PFC Menu Setting Description / Example
Networking->Ethernet All Use factory defaults (Switched)
Networking->TCP/IP IP configuration X1/X2 Assign static IP address
Networking->TCP/IP DNS server If required, set DNS server
Networking->Routing Static routes Assign route to gateway

Furthermore, Docker CE für Wago must be installed on the PFC200.



For setting up of your HOOC gateway, you will need:

Set up the HOOC embedded gateway

  • Target Device
  1. Execute docker run --name hooc-connect --detach --device /dev/net/tun --cap-add NET_ADMIN --cap-add NET_BIND_SERVICE --network host --restart unless-stopped hooc/hooc-connect --dhcpv4.enable --vpn.linux.tap=hooc0 --api.address=
  2. Open the local website of the HOOC embedded gateway http://device-ip:1323.
  3. Copy the 64-digit hardware identification code.
  • HOOC ManagementPortal
  1. Log in to the HOOC ManagementPortal.
  2. Create a site.
  3. Enter your serial number.
  4. Go to HOOC Gateway -> Configuration.
  5. Enter the hardware identification code and click activate.
  6. Copy the generated activation code.
  • Target Device
  1. Paste activation code and click activate

Please note that activation can take up to 30 seconds. After successful activation, the connection status will be displayed on the local website of the HOOC Embedded Gateway.

Remote access to Wago PFC200

After the embedded gateway has been connected to the HOOC Cloud, a secure connection to the device can be established.

If the gateway was started with the parameters mentioned above, the PFC200 can be reached under the IP address 172.17.17 after a secure connection has been established. The web interface of the PFC200 can thus be reached at

Activation can take up to 30 seconds. After successful activation, the connection status will be displayed on the local web page of the HOOC embedded gateway.